IELTS Academic Reading Test


IELTS academic reading is a part of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) tailored to assess your reading skills in an academic context. It encompasses three passages totalling 2,500 words.

The IELTS academic reading topics can vary as they cover science, history, sociology, and more subjects. You will have approximately 60 minutes to read and answer 40 questions related to those passages.

To perform well and enhance your reading speed, you must practice skimming and scanning and improve your ability to understand complex texts. You must also thoroughly understand the test structure and scoring criteria to score well in this part.

Introduction to Test Structure of IELTS Academic Reading

Let us start with the section IELTS Academic Reading module. Each passage covers a diverse range of academic subjects, from ancient history to advertising techniques. After reading each passage, you'll encounter 11 to 15 questions designed to test your comprehension and analytical skills.

These questions come in various formats, such as multiple-choice, matching, True/False/Not given, Sentence completion, or summary completion tasks. Remember to use a pencil to mark your answers on the separate answer sheet provided, and feel free to make notes on the question sheet as you read.

The IELTS Academic Reading module takes 60 minutes. To manage your time effectively, aim to skim-read at a pace of approximately 170 words per minute. Spend up to 15 minutes reading the three passages, leaving around one minute for each question, with some extra time for review.

IELTS Academic Reading - Grading Scores

Correct Answers Band scores
40-39 9
38-37 8.5
36-35 8
34-33 7.5
32-30 7
29-27 6.5
26-23 6
22-19 5.5
18-15 5
14-13 4.5
12-10 4
9-8 3.5
7-6 3
5-4 2.5

Types of Questions in IELTS Academic Reading

1. Multiple Choice Questions

2. True/False/Not given Questions

3. Yes/No/Not given Questions

4. Matching questions

a. Matching Headings

b. Matching information

c. Matching Features

d. Matching sentence endings

5. Sentence completion

6. Short-answer Questions

7. Note Completion

8. Table Completion

9. Diagram Completion

10. Summary Completion Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Work item : Selecting the correct answers from the lists of options given.

Question Pattern : This could be a question-and-answer type or selecting the correct ending to a sentence.

Tips for finding answers : According to the IELTS reading passage, these responses appear in chronological order.

Skills assessed :

  • Basic understanding of the provided passage.
  • Paraphrasing skills

Example 1 :

Choose the correct letter A-D

What is the main focus of the passage?

A. The impact of climate change on polar bears

B. Conservation efforts for endangered species

C. The migration patterns of Arctic birds

D. The effects of melting ice caps on marine life

Example 2 :

Choose the correct letter A-D

What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?

A. Exercise is essential for maintaining overall health.

B. Proper diet is the only factor affecting weight loss.

C. Sleep deprivation can lead to various health problems.

D. Stress management techniques are ineffective.

True/False/Not given Questions

Work item : Determine whether the question statements are TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN using the information in the IELTS reading passage.

Question Pattern : Tricky statements will be provided.

Tips for finding answers :

  • True : Mark as true if the statement matches exactly as presented in the article.
  • False : Mark as false if the statement contradicts the information given in the article.
  • Not Given : Mark as not given if the statement is not found in the article or if there isn't enough information to confirm or deny its accuracy. Avoid spending excessive time searching for information that isn't readily available.

Skills assessed :

  • Identify Specific Information : Ability to extract precise details from the IELTS reading passage.
  • Match or Contradict : Check to see if the information in the passage corresponds with the question or not.

Example :

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Dogs dream about chasing squirrels.

2. Daydreaming can enhance problem-solving skills.

3. Dream content is influenced by external stimuli.

4. Dreaming only occurs during REM sleep.

5. Albert Einstein believed that imagination is key to scientific discovery.

Yes/No/Not given Questions

Work item : Determine whether the answers to the question statements are YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN based on the details in the IELTS reading passage.

Question Pattern : Tricky statements will be given.

Tips for finding answers :

  • YES : The information in the statement is correct and relevant to the passage.
  • NO : Information in the statement differs from the passage or is incorrect.
  • Not Given : Information in the statement is not mentioned in the passage.

Skills assessed :

  • Pick Specific Information : Identify details from the IELTS reading passage.
  • Match or Contradict : Determine if the question aligns or conflicts with the passage information.

Example :

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the information No, if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin.

2. Citrus fruits are the only source of vitamin C.

3. Lack of vitamin C leads to scurvy.

4. Excessive vitamin C consumption causes hair loss.

5. Vitamin C supplements are recommended for everyone.

Matching Questions

Matching Questions evaluate your ability to connect information from the IELTS reading passage with corresponding options, often in the form of statements, descriptions, or categories.

Matching Headings

Work item : Choose the correct heading for paragraphs labelled A, B, C, and D from a given list.

Question Pattern : Paragraphs labelled A, B, C, and D will be accompanied by a list of numbered headings in Roman numerals summarising the content.

Finding Answers : Read each paragraph thoroughly to match the central idea. Avoid stopping at initial lines; delve into the entire paragraph. Be wary of unrelated headings.

Skills assessed :

  • Basic understanding of paragraph content.
  • Grasping the central idea of both the passage and individual paragraphs.

Example: List of Headings

i. Changing consumer preferences

ii. Sustainable production methods

iii. Emerging market trends

iv. Technological advancements

v. Environmental impact assessment

vi. Global market competition

vii. Ethical considerations

viii. Government regulations

  • Paragraph A
  • Paragraph B
  • Paragraph C
  • Paragraph D
  • Paragraph E

Matching information

Work item : Identify the paragraph containing information from the given question statement.

Question Pattern : Questions provide information from the passage, asking to locate its corresponding paragraph.

Finding Answers : Pay attention to paraphrased information in the question, as it may not be verbatim from the IELTS reading passage. Read paragraphs to grasp the underlying meaning for accurate answers.

Skills assessed :

  • Paraphrasing abilities
  • Ability to locate specific information within the passage.

Example: Answer the following questions by choosing the correct responses A–C

Questions :

  • Wind energy
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Geothermal energy

Information to match :

  • Renewable energy sources
  • Generated from water flow
  • Extracted from Earth's internal heat

Matching Features

Work item : Match features provided in a list with corresponding information in the passage.

Question Pattern : Items in the list might include names, cities, or characteristics, requiring matching with relevant sentences in the passage.

Finding Answers : Read the passage to understand and match the features accurately. Be aware that not all items may appear in the passage.

Skills assessed :

  • Paraphrasing abilities
  • Ability to locate specific information within the IELTS reading passage.

Example: Use the information in the text to match the people listed (1-3) with the observations (i-vii).

People :

  • Darwin
  • Smith
  • Jones


i. Birds have adapted differently on separate islands.

ii. The finches' beaks are suited to their specific diets.

iii. The diversity of species on the Galápagos Islands is remarkable.

iv. Islands with similar environments have similar species.

v. The Galápagos tortoises have unique shell shapes.

vi. The iguanas have evolved differently on different islands.

vii. Each island has its own distinct ecosystem.

Matching sentence endings

Work item : Complete given sentences by selecting appropriate endings from a provided list.

Question Pattern : Connect the first half of the sentence with the suitable ending from the list.

Finding Answers : Ensure grammatical correctness and coherence while selecting the endings. Endings should align with the meaning of the given sentence.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to predict endings by comprehending sentence context.
  • Grammar proficiency for selecting appropriate endings.

Example: Complete each of the following statements with the best ending from the box below.

  • Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the human brain's complexity.
  • The study of neuroscience continues to expand rapidly.
  • Neuroscientists explore various methods to investigate brain function.
  • The field of neurology offers promising avenues for treating neurological disorders.

1. even though it remains a challenging and evolving field.

2. provided that advancements in technology continue.

3. because it holds immense potential for improving human health.

4. although some aspects remain poorly understood.

5. in light of recent breakthroughs in brain imaging techniques.

6. despite a limited understanding of brain mechanisms.

7. until further research elucidates underlying mechanisms.

Sentence completion

Work item : Fill in blank spaces in sentences using words from the passage.

Question Pattern : Directly apply words from the provided passage to complete sentences.

Tips for Finding Answers : Focus on locating specific words or phrases in the passage that fit grammatically and contextually within the sentence.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to locate specific information in the IELTS reading passage.
  • Grammar proficiency for fitting words correctly within sentences.

Example: Choose No More Than Two Words from the passage to complete the sentences.

1. The main characters in the story are Sarah and ________.

2. It is believed that exercise and a balanced diet are key to maintaining good ________.

3. The author of the book is renowned for his ________ writing style.

4. The protagonist's journey takes him through dense forests and ________ landscapes.

5. The book has received critical acclaim for its ________ and compelling narrative.

Short-answer Questions

Work item : Answer questions using information from the provided text.

Question Pattern : Respond to questions with concise answers derived from the passage.

Tips for Finding Answers : Skim the passage for relevant information and respond within the specified word limit.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to skim the IELTS reading passage for information.
  • Ability to provide concise answers within the word limit specified.

Example: Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, answer the following questions.

Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1. Where can visitors find information on local attractions?

2. Who typically benefits from ecotourism ventures in developing countries?

3. What type of accommodation is popular among tourists in remote areas?

Note Completion

Work item : Complete a set of notes based on information provided in the text.

Question Pattern : Fill in missing words or phrases in notes using information from the passage.

Tips for Finding Answers : Skim the passage for relevant details to complete the notes. Focus on extracting key information without needing to read the entire passage.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to skim the passage for information.
  • Ability to provide concise answers within the given word limit.

Example: Complete the notes below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

India – Taj Mahal is a must-visit _______________.

Japan – Visitors should learn basic _______________ before travelling.

Brazil – Amazon Rainforest is known for its rich _______________.

Table Completion

Work item : Complete a table based on information provided in the text.

Question Pattern : Fill in missing words or phrases in the table using details from the IELTS reading passage.

Tips for Finding Answers : Comprehend details from the passage to locate the appropriate words or phrases to complete the table accurately.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to comprehend details from the passage.
  • Ability to locate the right words or phrases to complete the table.

Example: Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in blank spaces next to 17-19 on your answer sheet.

Mode of Vibration Description
1---------------- requires pedaling; two-wheeled vehicle
2----------------- operated with a steering wheel; four-wheeled vehicle
The train runs on tracks; often used for 3------------------

Diagram Completion

Work item : Complete a diagram based on information provided in the text.

Question Pattern : Fill in missing words or phrases in the diagram using details from the passage.

Tips for Finding Answers : Locate relevant information in the passage to choose the appropriate words or phrases for completing the diagram accurately.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to locate information in the passage.
  • Ability to choose the right words or phrases to complete the diagram.

Example: Label the diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Diagram: Water Cycle

  • Evaporation [Answer]
  • Condensation [Answer]
  • Precipitation [Answer]
  • Runoff [Answer]

Summary Completion Questions

Work item : Complete a summary based on information provided in the text.

Question Pattern : Fill in missing words or phrases in the summary using details from the passage.

Tips for Finding Answers : Scan the passage for relevant words or phrases to complete the summary accurately.

Skills assessed :

  • Ability to scan the passage for the right words.
  • Ability to understand and convey key ideas succinctly.

Example: Filling blanks with words from the IELTS reading passage

Complete the following summary. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in blank spaces next to 1-6 on your answer sheet.

The discovery of penicillin revolutionised medicine, as it was the first 1.------------- antibiotic to be discovered. Penicillin was initially 2.-------------- extracted from a type of mould. Its introduction significantly reduced the mortality rate from bacterial infections. However, over time, some bacteria have developed resistance to penicillin, leading to the need for alternative treatments.


Well, the main difference lies in the content and purpose. IELTS General Training Reading focuses on everyday contexts, while Academic Reading deals with academic texts and is suitable for those planning to study at a university or work in a professional setting.

The IELTS academic reading test consists of three long passages with tasks that assess a range of reading skills, including understanding main ideas, identifying details, recognising opinions and attitudes, and following the development of an argument.

Difficulty varies depending on individual proficiency and preparation. IELTS academic reading can be difficult due to its complicated texts and tasks, but it can be manageable with IELTS reading practice and effective strategies.

To pass IELTS Academic Reading, practice regularly with authentic materials, familiarise yourself with different question types, improve your vocabulary, develop skimming and scanning techniques, and manage your time effectively during the test.

It depends on your strengths and preferences. Some may find Academic Reading more challenging due to its specialised content, while others may prefer it over General Training Reading, which focuses on everyday situations.

Getting a perfect score demands exceptional proficiency in reading and understanding complex texts. Consistent practice, thorough understanding of question types, and effective time management are key.

The content of the IELTS Reading exam changes regularly, but some questions may resemble previous ones. However, relying solely on memorised materials is not recommended as it may not accurately reflect the skills needed for the test.

IELTS academic reading passages cover a range of topics, including science, history, literature, social science, and more. The texts may be excerpts from academic journals, research papers, or textbooks.

No, the IELTS is only valid for 2 years, but it depends on the university or college you are applying to, as some institutions accept test results that are more than two years old. To get the most accurate information, you must review the specific requirements of the institution you are applying to.

If you plan to attend university or college, select the Academic version. If you're moving to an English-speaking country for work or immigration or want to gain non-academic training or work experience, choose the General Training option.