IELTS General Speaking Test


Do you want to work in English-speaking countries, if yes, then you will need to prove your English language proficiency. The IELTS General Speaking Test plays a crucial role in showing your proficiency in English.

It is a one-to-one discussion between you and your interviewer in which you need to show your communication skills in English in three parts. In Part 1, you will be asked general questions about your family, introduction, work, and interests, while in Part 2, you will be asked to talk for 2 minutes about the given cue card topic. On the other hand, in Part 3, you will be asked some questions regarding your IELTS Speaking cue card topic.

Let’s understand the complete details of the IELTS General Speaking Test.

IELTS General Speaking Part 1: Introduction and Interview

In the introduction part of the test, the examiner will inquire about various aspects of your life, such as your work, family, education, interests, and hobbies. This initial part establishes a connection between you and your interviewer, helping you feel more comfortable and prepared for the subsequent sections of the test. It is an opportunity to ease into the conversation and set a positive tone for the rest of the assessment.

IELTS General Speaking Topics Part 1

Below, you can check some topics asked in IELTS General Speaking Part 1.

  • Advertisements
  • Art
  • Bags
  • Celebrities
  • Chocolate

IELTS General Speaking Part 1 Tips

Here are some tips for IELTS General Speaking Part 1.

  • Be Prepared - Familiarize yourself with common topics that may be asked in Part 1, such as your hometown, work or studies, hobbies, and interests.
  • Practice Speaking - Practice speaking about these topics in English with a friend or family member to gain confidence.
  • Expand Your Answers - Try to elaborate on your answers instead of giving short responses. This will help you to express yourself effectively.
  • Use Examples - Support your answers with examples or anecdotes from your own life whenever possible. This adds depth to your responses and makes them more engaging.
  • Speak Clearly - Focus on speaking clearly and at a moderate pace. Enunciate your words to ensure the examiner can understand you easily.
  • Be Natural - While speaking clearly is essential, try to maintain a natural speaking style. Avoid sounding rehearsed or overly formal.
  • Listen Carefully - You should pay attention to the interviewer’s questions and respond appropriately. Make sure you understand what is being asked before answering.
  • Ask for Clarification - If you're unsure about a question, don't hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify it. It's better to seek clarification than to provide an incorrect answer.
  • Stay Positive - Maintain a positive attitude throughout the test. Even if you feel nervous during the interview, stay calm and focused.
  • Practice Time Management - Part 1 is relatively short, so practice managing your time effectively. Aim to give complete answers without rushing, but also be mindful of the time limit for each question.

IELTS Cue Cards - Academic Speaking Part 2

In the IELTS Speaking Part 2, the interviewer will give you a topic and ask you to speak for at least 2 minutes about it. You will have one minute to prepare your cue card response and 2 minutes to talk. You can note down some notes on the provided paper and prepare to talk about the topic. After that, you will begin speaking based on what you have prepared. This part, known as the IELTS cue cards, aims to assess your ability to talk at length about a given topic.

IELTS General Speaking Topics Part 2

Below, you can check the IELTS General Speaking Part 2 topic.

  • Describe a Skill that you can Teach Other People
  • Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in a smart way
  • Describe a time when you felt Bored
  • Describe a competition you would like to take part in
  • Describe an interesting animal

IELTS General Speaking Part 2 Tips

In Part 2 of the IELTS General Speaking test, you will be presented with a task card containing a topic. You will have one minute to prepare your part 2 response, during which you can take notes if you wish. Then, you will need to speak about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. Here are some tips to help you succeed in Part 2.

  • Understand the topic - Take a moment to read the task card carefully and ensure you understand what you're being asked to discuss.
  • Organise your thoughts - Use the 1-minute preparation time to brainstorm ideas and structure your response. Write down key points or keywords to help you remember what to say.
  • Speak fluently - Try to speak naturally and fluently during your response. Avoid long pauses or hesitations, and use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures.
  • Stick to the topic - Focus on addressing the topic given in the task card.
  • Use examples and details - Support your points with relevant examples, anecdotes, or details to make your response more exciting and persuasive.
  • Manage your time - Aim to speak for 1 to 2 minutes without running out of things to say or finishing too quickly. Pace yourself to ensure you cover all the points you want to make.
  • Practice speaking - Practice speaking about different topics in English to build confidence and improve your fluency. You can also simulate the test conditions by timing yourself and recording your responses.

IELTS General Speaking Part 3: Discussion

In the final part of your IELTS General speaking test, the examiner will ask you follow-up questions related to the cue card topics. These questions are designed to explore the theme further and engage you in a two-way conversation. It is essential to respond with detailed and descriptive answers that demonstrate your ability to express yourself fluently and coherently.

IELTS General Speaking Part 3 Topics

In IELTS Speaking Part 3, examiners often ask questions about education, work, society, technology, the environment, culture, and current affairs. These questions assess your ability to discuss complex issues, express opinions, and provide reasoned explanations.

The following topics are as follows –

  • Public Speaking
  • Leadership
  • Travel and Holidays
  • Beauty
  • TV Program & Movies

IELTS General Speaking Part 3 Tips

Here are some tips to help you excel in the IELTS General Speaking part -

  • Listen Carefully - Pay close attention to the examiner's questions to ensure you understand them fully before responding.
  • Provide Detailed Responses - When answering, try to elaborate on your answers with relevant details, examples, and explanations.
  • Express Opinions - Don't hesitate to express your opinions on the topics discussed, but remember to support them with logical reasoning and examples.
  • Stay Relevant - Keep your responses focused on the topic and avoid going off tangents.
  • Use a Range of Vocabulary - Demonstrate your English language skills by using different types of vocabulary and expressions to express yourself effectively.
  • Speak Clearly and Fluently - Aim to speak clearly and fluently, maintaining a natural pace of speech throughout your responses.
  • Practice Active Listening - Practice active listening skills by engaging with the examiner's questions and responding thoughtfully.
  • Be Confident - Approach the speaking test confidently, even if you feel nervous. Remember that the examiner will assess your language skills, not judge you personally.
  • Manage Your Time - Track the time allotted for each question and aim to answer them within the given time frame.
  • Review Sample Questions - Familiarize yourself with common topics and questions that may arise in Part 3 by reviewing sample questions and practicing your responses.

IELTS Speaking Scoring Criteria

In the IELTS General Speaking test, candidates are graded on a zero to nine scale, with a band score of 8 indicating a high level of English proficiency. This score is determined based on four equally important criteria, which include:

  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  • Pronunciation
Topic Marking Criteria
Fluency and Coherence 6
Lexical Resources 7
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 8
Pronunciation 7
Total IELTS Speaking Score 7

IELTS Speaking Scoring Criteria: Fluency and Coherence

Fluency and coherence are important aspects of the IELTS Speaking test scoring criteria. Fluency refers to the ability to talk smoothly and continuously without unnecessary hesitation or repetition. Coherence relates to the logical organisation and connection of ideas in speech. Examiners assess candidates based on how smoothly they can express themselves and how well their ideas are connected and organised.

IELTS Speaking Scoring Criteria: Lexical Resources

Lexical resources refer to the range and accuracy of vocabulary used by candidates during the IELTS Speaking test. Examiners evaluate candidates based on their ability to use vocabulary appropriately and accurately to convey meaning. This includes using synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and specific terminology relevant to the topics discussed.

IELTS Speaking Scoring Criteria: Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Grammatical range and accuracy are essential to the IELTS Speaking test scoring criteria. Examiners assess candidates based on their ability to use a variety of grammatical structures accurately and appropriately. This includes correctly using verb tenses, sentence structures, and grammatical patterns to convey meaning effectively.

IELTS Speaking Scoring Criteria: Pronunciation

Pronunciation plays a significant role in the IELTS Speaking test scoring criteria. Examiners evaluate candidates based on their ability to produce clear and intelligible speech that a native English speaker quickly understands. This includes accurately pronouncing individual sounds, word stress, intonation, and rhythm in spoken English. Candidates are assessed on their overall clarity and effectiveness of pronunciation throughout the test.

Common Mistakes in the IELTS General Speaking Test

Check the common mistakes that can lower your score.

  • Not practising enough beforehand.
  • Misunderstanding the examiner's questions.
  • Giving brief answers without elaborating.
  • Trying to memorise answers.
  • Neglecting grammar and vocabulary.
  • Speaking at an inappropriate pace.
  • Nervousness can affect your performance.
  • Using too many fillers or repeating words.
  • Not maintaining eye contact.
  • Failing to utilise the full speaking time.

IELTS Speaking Tips & Tricks

Check some tips and tricks to prepare best for the IELTS General Speaking Test.

  • Regular practice can help improve fluency and confidence.
  • Aim to speak smoothly and naturally without pauses or hesitations.
  • Learn new words or phrases to express yourself more effectively.
  • Pay attention to the examiner's questions and respond appropriately.
  • Support your answers with relevant examples to provide depth and clarity.
  • Keep calm and composed during the test to avoid nervousness affecting your performance.
  • Engage with the examiner by maintaining eye contact throughout the test.
  • Organise your responses logically with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Work on pronouncing words accurately to enhance clarity.
  • Believe in your abilities and showcase your language skills with confidence.

IELTS Speaking Practice Test Sample

Check some samples to practice the IELTS Speaking Test.

IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. What's your full name?

My name is Michael Johnson.

2. May I see your identification?

Certainly, here it is.

3. Where do you hail from?

I come from Chicago, a bustling city known for its diverse culture and deep-dish pizza.

4. Are you working or attending school?

I'm currently employed at a marketing firm downtown. It's an exciting environment with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe an Interesting Animal

Sample Answer -


Animals play a crucial role in our diverse nation, showcasing our rich history. While many may not find learning about animals exciting, a select few, like me, are intrigued by certain creatures. One such animal that has always fascinated me is the elephant.

What animal was it?

Elephants are the second-largest animals on Earth. They are found in various countries, including India. They weigh between 2700 and 6000 kg and can reach heights of 5.5 to 6.5 meters. I often see them in national parks and, occasionally, at nearby zoos.

Where you saw it?

I spotted elephants at a nearby zoo. Despite their size, elephants are gentle creatures, captivating visitors with their calm demeanour.

What happened when you saw it?

At the zoo, I observed elephants peacefully doing daily activities, such as eating and interacting with their families. It was fascinating to learn that they consume various plants and fruits.

And explain why you thought it was interesting?

What intrigued me most about elephants is their remarkable intelligence and emotional depth. They exhibit behaviours like mourning for lost calves and reconciling after conflicts, showcasing their complex social bonds.


Overall, my encounter with elephants captivated me by their beauty, behaviour, and profound connection to the natural world.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Question: What pets do people usually have at home?

Answer: Dogs and cats are the most common pets in India because they are easy to train and can provide security. Fish are also popular as they are low-maintenance pets.

Question: Why are many animals becoming extinct?

Answer: Animals face extinction due to environmental changes caused by rapid human population growth and pollution from industries and vehicles.

Question: How has technology replaced animals in people's daily tasks?

Answer: With technological advancements, animals like horses and buffalo, once used for transportation, have been replaced by vehicles. Similarly, hunting animals for meat has been replaced by buying processed meats from supermarkets, and automobile races have replaced horse races.

Question: Is researching animals a good idea?

Answer: Research on animals can help create new species and conserve endangered ones. It also contributes to maintaining ecological balance and finding ways to protect wildlife, benefiting animals, humans, and the environment.

List of Common IELTS Speaking Topics

Below, you can check the common IELTS General Speaking topics.

  • Talk about an article that you have read about health
  • Describe a skill that you can teach other people
  • Describe a person who solved a problem in an intelligent way
  • Describe a time when you felt bored
  • Describe a prize that you received
  • Describe a historical period
  • Describe an interesting old person you have met
  • Describe a piece of good news
  • IELTS practice speaking test - part 3 topics
  • What is the IELTS vocabulary?
  • Improve your vocabulary and boost your IELTS speaking score

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ans. The IELTS General Speaking test is a component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) designed to evaluate a candidate's English speaking skills in everyday contexts.

Ans. The IELTS General Speaking test typically lasts around 11 to 14 minutes and is divided into three parts.

Ans. The IELTS General Speaking test includes an introduction, interview, long turns, and discussion.

Ans. No, candidates are not allowed to use any materials, including pen and paper, during the IELTS General Speaking test.

Ans. The IELTS General Speaking test is scored based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.

Ans. No, the IELTS General Speaking test topics are predetermined and cover a range of everyday subjects.

Ans. While minor errors are expected, frequent mistakes can impact your score in terms of grammatical range, accuracy, and pronunciation.

Ans. You can prepare for the IELTS General Speaking test by regularly practicing speaking English, familiarising yourself with everyday topics, and seeking feedback from teachers or language partners.

Ans. There is no specific dress code for the IELTS General Speaking test. However, wearing neat and appropriate attire is recommended.

Ans. Yes, you can retake the IELTS General Speaking test if you are not satisfied with your score. However, you will need to register and pay the test fee again.