IELTS Writing Task 1



The writing module is among the four core modules of the IELTS exam, and it contains two tasks, each of which is important for a good band score. In task 1, students have to write 150 to 200 words in around 20 minutes. This is an integral part of the writing test, whether you are applying for Academic or General.

Typically, the exercise is centred on examining the candidate's ability to write in an academic or semi-formal manner, utilising proper syntax and terminology. In this section, we have explained the complete details of IELTS Writing Task 1. If you are going to appear in an upcoming exam, read the information below to understand the test better.

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 1

Task 1 of the IELTS Writing module evaluates the candidate's capability to comprehend and convey information clearly and cohesively. Candidates have 20 minutes to write a letter or a description of visual information in at least 150 words.

The primary qualities that Task 1 evaluates are:

  • Understanding Visual Data or Prompts : Applicants must correctly interpret any given visual data or letter prompts and accurately communicate the key points, comparisons, and trends.

  • Organisational Skills : Properly structuring the response, which includes outlining the subject, giving an overview or goal, and rationally delivering the most important details, is critical

  • Language Accuracy : Candidates are judged on how well they can convey concepts using a variety of language, grammatical constructions, and cohesive strategies.

IELTS Writing Task Format

Below, let’s know the format of the IELTS writing task 1 for academic and general types.

Academic Writing Task 1 – The total time of the writing task is 60 minutes, divided into 20 mins for Task 1 and 40 mins for Task 2. Candidates must explain the visual information presented to them in task 1, such as graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, etc., in their own words. The word limit for this task is 150 words.

General Writing Task 1 — The total time of the General Writing Test is the same as academic Writing Task 1 for General IELTS. However, in IELTS general writing task 1, you must write either a formal or informal letter on a given subject. The task rubric usually provides three bullet points to address in your letter.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Question Types

Remember that Task 1 is different for Academic and General Training reasons. Thus, the many questions in these two IELTS exam categories are listed below.

IELTS Academic Writing Test

  • Tables

  • Bar charts

  • Line graphs

  • Pie charts

  • Maps

  • Process diagrams

  • Combination (Mixed) charts

IELTS General Traning Test

  • Formal Letter

  • Semi-formal Letter

  • Informal

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

You need to be able to satisfy the examiner in order to pass the IELTS task 1 academic. As such, you need to know if you should write an informal or formal letter. You may learn all you need to know about official and informal letters by downloading the PDF below, which also includes a detailed plan on how to get a Band 7 or above.

General Training Writing Task 1 in 5 Simple Steps

  • Know how the test is scored. Being aware of the marking criteria is the best way to provide the examiner with only the required information.

  • Make a decision regarding the letter's formality, as this portion is simple. If you are asked to write a letter to a "friend," it should be informal. It should be official if you are asked to write a letter to someone else. That's how easy it is!

  • Address each of the question's bullet points. Make sure that every bullet point has its own paragraph. Your letter will be easier to read and comprehend as a result.

  • Close this mail by signing it. Don't make this part too complicated. Sign off with a phrase that fits the style of your message, and put your name underneath.

  • Examine your work. Verify that there are no grammatical or lexical errors in your letter.

How to Prepare for IELTS Writing Task 1

The Writing Task is conducted in both Academic and General IELTS. So, it is important to prepare well for it whether you are going abroad to study or work. Below, you can find tips on how to prepare for IELTS Writing Task 1:

Tips for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

Here are some tips for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 that will help you to get a good band score in the exam.

Know the Marking of the IELTS Test

First, you should know the marking criteria to prepare for the IELTS Exam. Knowing what examiners look for and how they mark your score before preparing is essential.

So, basically, there are 4 criteria to mark your score in the IELTS Writing Test.

  • Task Achievement - To what extent have you completed your task?

  • Coherence and Cohesion – What is the logic of the idea, and how have you presented it to express your idea?

  • Lexical Resource – How many words have you used that have close association and relevancy to the topic?

  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy – How many grammatical errors have you made, or what is your task accuracy?

All the criteria mentioned above will define your English proficiency. If you focus on these criteria, you can get a good band score in the IELTS Academic Writing task.

Paraphrase the question

Paraphrasing the question is a way to rewrite it with different words, so the sentence's meaning will not be changed when you write in your own words. Candidates who want to boost their scores must know about paraphrasing, as it is essential to the IELTS Writing Test. There are 3 methods of paraphrasing that you can use in the IELTS Test –

  • Using synonyms

  • Changing the order of words

  • Changing the word form

If you use these methods to paraphrase, you will have a high chance of scoring well in the exam.

Write the overview

When you see any topic, the first thing you will do is make an overview. It is always the main part of every content or task as it defines the whole task in 3-4 sentences (it is a summary of the main points).

If you write an impressive, engaging overview that is clear and coherent, you will easily achieve a band score higher than 6 in IELTS Writing Task 1.

Support the Main Features

Focusing on the main features is important to scoring high in the IELTS Writing Exam. It will help the examiner understand your skills.

Check Your Work

Lastly, check your complete work, grammar mistakes, focus points, spelling, and the meaning of each line and then submit it.

Tips for IELTS General Writing Task 1

Below, we are providing some tips for IELTS General Writing Task 1 that will help you to get a good band score in the exam

Marking Criteria of General Writing Task

The marking criteria for IELTS General Writing is the same as Academic Writing. The examiner will mark you based on 4 points: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy.

Write a Letter in Formal or Informal As Asked

The questions in IELTS General Writing Task 1 will be based on formal or informal letters. So, deciding whether the question asked in the exam is formal or informal is important.

If they ask to write an informal letter like writing to a friend, then you must write accordingly. If they ask to write a formal letter, then focus on the formal writing.

Take a New Paragraph for Each Bullet Point

Write one paragraph per bullet point to avoid mixing ideas and clearly present each idea. This will make it easy for the examiner to understand.

Your Letter must be Signed off

Make this simple. You should include a sign-off appropriate for the tone of your message, followed by your name.

Re-check Your Work

Before submitting your task, recheck it to confirm that your letter is error-free and accurate.

Evaluation Criteria for IELTS Writing Task 1

The IELTS Writing Task 1 question is meant to evaluate a candidate's writing skills.

  • The four factors determining an applicant's IELTS score are Task Achievement, Lexical Resource, Coherence and cohesion, and Grammatical Range and accuracy.

  • Each component counts toward 25% of the candidate's ultimate score on the IELTS Task 1.

In order to obtain the appropriate band score, a student must adhere to these standardised metrics throughout their response. Examine the table provided below:

Band Score Task Achievement Coherence & Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Satisfy all the requirements of the task

Clearly presents a fully developed response

Uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention

Skilfully manages paragraph

Uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features.

Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy.


Clear overall composition

No corrections required

Logical organisation of ideas and information

No paragraphing issues

Perfect referencing

Error-free usage of linking devices

Zero spelling mistakes

Mostly good vocabulary

Efficient use of common words

Error-free sentences

Good sentence structures


The main components are highlighted clearly and understandably

Clear supporting statements

No irrelevant data

Some areas need correction.

Logical organisation of information

Good paragraphing

Good referencing

Appropriate use of linking devices

Underuse and overuse of the linking devices.

Good vocabulary

Usage of collocations

Rare spelling mistakes

Unique sentence structures

Few mistakes in the sentence used

Few errors in grammar and punctuation.


Main components highlighted

Supporting statements present

Usage of relevant statements

Inaccurate data

Information organised by proper linking

Few faults in linking the information or sentences

Good paragraphing

Wrong referencing

Good readability

Few spelling mistakes

Error-free usage of common words

Good vocabulary

Average readability

Erroneous grammar and punctuation

Sentence restructuring required


No relevant data

No supporting statements

Inappropriate use of vocabulary

Inadequate coverage

Improper organisation of ideas

Incorrect linking of ideas or information

Few paragraphs.

Grammatical errors

Wrong spellings

Wrong vocabulary

Poor readability

No sentence structures

Grammatical errors

Improper usage of complex Sentences

Incorrect punctuations

Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Writing Task 1

Many candidates fail to get a good IELTS Band Score. The common mistakes are -.

  • Failure to write a clear overview

  • Attempting to write about everything

  • Complicates the question

  • Not organising thoughts logically

  • Incorrectly describing data

  • Candidates need to avoid such mistakes in ielts writing task 1 to get a good band score.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Questions

Take a look at some IELTS writing task 1 sample answer to the questions for both academic and general writing task 1 to get an idea of the type of questions.

Academic Writing Task 1 Sample Questions

Here, we have provided you with the sample questions for Academic Writing Task 1 that will help you know what questions will be asked in the exam.

Q1. Report Writing - The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.


Q2. Report writing: The chart below shows the number of male and female research students studying six science-related subjects at a UK university in 2009.


General Writing Task 1 Sample Questions

Below, you can check some sample questions for General Writing Task 1. These types of questions will be asked in the exam.

Informal Letter Sample Questions

Q1. You're going on vacation next week and need to ask a friend to care for your dog while you're gone.

Send a letter to a friend. According to your letter,

  • Specify the length of your absence

  • Inform them of what has to be done

  • Specify how you intend to reward them

Q2. Your international friend will be visiting you next month. Write a letter to your friend. According to your letter,

  • Inform them of what they must bring

  • Inform them of their plans for the duration of their visit

  • Warn them about certain potentially difficult situations

Formal Letter Sample Questions

Q1. You recently learnt of an internship opportunity at a local firm you are interested in. Write a letter to the company's director. According to your letter,

  • Please introduce yourself

  • Describe how you found out about the internship

  • Describe why you are qualified for the internship

Q2. You reside in an apartment block but are experiencing issues with your neighbours' behaviour. Send a note to the building management informing him or her of the problem. According to your mail,

  • Describe yourself

  • State the problem as it relates to your neighbours' behaviour

  • Provide ways to cope with the problem

You can practise the IELTS Sample Questions at the Prepare IELTS Exam(PI). Our experts have designed the questions and created mock test papers to help students prepare for the IELTS Exam. You can get the papers by logging in here.


The IELTS writing task for both academic and general IELTS has to be completed in 20 minutes.

If you want to improve your IELTS writing on task 1, you must have an eye for detail, select the most important information from the given data, and base your report writing on accurate facts. You must practice as much as possible by reviewing and using numerous sample answers daily.

The word limit for IELTS writing task 1, both academic and general, is 150 words.

The first academic writing test on the IELTS is relatively easy. For this exercise, you must report the information provided in the question and create an outline. It is important to remember that you refrain from mentioning your opinions or ideas in an overview.

For IELTS writing problem 1, you could occasionally be asked to compare and contrast two categories. You must consider terminology when doing this, such as using superlative and comparative adjectives for comparison, such as high, higher, and the highest, or good, better, and the best.