Are you studying for the IELTS speaking exam but need help pronouncing English words correctly? The IELTS speaking test is a common challenge for IELTS test takers since it allows the examiner to assess a candidate's English language proficiency.
In this context, this blog discusses IELTS pronunciation, the importance of IELTS pronunciation practice, IELTS speaking words that are frequently mispronounced, and other important aspects. Let us begin the blog to gain a more in-depth understanding of this.
Below are some of the most mispronounced words in the IELTS speaking test, along with the correct pronunciation so you can understand the difference between proper and incorrect pronunciation.
Word | Incorrect Pronunciation | Correct Pronunciation |
Abalone |
ah-boh-lohn |
ab-uh-loh-nee |
Anemone |
uh-nee-mohn |
uh-nem-uh-nee |
Antarctica |
ant-ark-tik-uh |
ant-ahrk-ti-kuh |
Gesture |
jes-chur |
jes-cher |
Leisure |
lee-sure |
leh-shur |
Mischievous |
mis-chee-vee-us |
mis-chuh-vuhs |
Niche |
neesh |
nich |
Prejudice |
pre-joo-diss |
pre-juh-dis |
Squirrel |
skwuh-rel |
skwur-uhl |
Entrepreneur |
en-tuh-pruh-noor |
ahn-truh-pruh-nur |
Library |
lie-berry |
lie-brer-ee |
Schedule |
sked-yool |
sheh-jool |
February |
feb-roo-air-ee |
feb-roo-er-ee |
Nuclear |
noo-kyuh-ler |
noo-klee-er |
Synonym |
sin-uh-nym |
sin-nuh-m |
Vehicle |
vee-hick-uhl |
vee-i-kuhl |
Genre |
jen-ner |
zhahn-ruh |
Vegetable |
veg-tay-buhl |
vej-tuh-buhl |
Refrigerator |
ree-fri-juh-rey-ter |
ri-frij-uh-rey-ter |
Recognise |
rek-uhg-nise |
rek-uhg-nahys |
Miscellaneous |
miss-uh-ley-nee-uhs |
mis-uh-lay-nee-uhs |
Dialogue |
dyuh-log |
dahy-uhg |
Vegetarian |
vej-uh-tair-ee-uhn |
vej-i-tair-ee-uhn |
Pronunciation |
pruh-nun-see-ey-shun |
pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shun |
Vocabulary |
voh-kab-yuh-ler-ee |
voh-kab-yuh-luh-ree |
Envelope |
en-vuh-lohp |
en-vuh-lohp |
Government |
guhv-ern-ment |
guhv-er-muhnt |
Pronunciation |
pruh-noun-see-ay-shun |
pruh-nuhn-see-ay-shun |
Archive |
ar-kive |
ar-kahyv |
Organisation |
or-gan-i-say-shun |
awr-guh-nuh-sey-shun |
Medicine |
med-i-seen |
med-i-sin |
Persuade |
per-swayd |
per-swade |
February |
feb-yoo-air-ee |
feb-roo-er-ee |
Miniature |
min-uh-cher |
min-ee-uh-cher |
Here are some mispronounced city and country names with their correct pronunciation so you can understand the difference. Moreover, some of these names can have slight variations in pronunciation depending on regional accents, but the given pronunciation is generally accepted and widely used.
NOTE: If you want to know more about the IELTS exam, consult our expert at the prepare IELTS exam.
Country | Mispronounced | Correct Pronunciation |
Argentina |
Ar-gen-tee-nah |
Ar-gen-tee-nuh |
Chile |
Chill |
Chee-lay |
Thailand |
Thai-land |
Tai-land |
Nigeria |
Nigh-ger-ee-ah |
Nai-jeer-ee-ah |
Qatar |
Kwa-tar |
Kuh-tar |
Greece |
Gree-se |
Grees |
Pakistan |
Pack-i-stan |
Pah-ki-stahn |
Colombia |
Co-lum-bi-a |
Kuh-lum-bee-uh |
Nicaragua |
Nye-ka-ra-gwah |
Nik-uh-ra-gwah |
Mauritius |
Ma-ri-shus |
Maw-Ri-Shus |
City | Mispronounced | Correct Pronunciation |
Beijing |
Bai-jing |
Bay-jing |
Moscow |
Moss-cow |
Mah-skow |
Bangkok |
Bang-kok |
Bang-gawk |
Melbourne |
Mel-born |
Mel-burn |
Dubai |
Doo-bye |
Doo-BYE |
Munich |
Mew-nich |
Myoo-nik |
Budapest |
Bud-a-pest |
Boo-da-pesht |
Reykjavik |
Reyk-ja-vik |
Rake-ya-vik |
Lahore |
Luh-hor |
Lah-hor |
Buenos Aires |
Bwen-os Airs |
Bway-nos Eye-rehs |
To avoid mispronunciation of words in the IELTS Speaking test, you should follow these steps:
Listen to audio resources carefully - Podcasts, news channels, audiobooks, movies, and videos can help you learn proper pronunciation.
Access complex words - Pay attention to lengthy words by breaking them down so they are easy to pronounce.
Understand word stress - learn when and how to stress certain words and sounds, as it plays a vital role in pronunciation.
Use Dictionaries - use dictionaries to check the correct pronunciation of unfamiliar words.
Repetition is key - listen and try to repeat the problematic words multiple times to know their correct pronunciation.
Engage in Conversations - practice regularly speaking English with friends and family to improve pronunciation and fluency.
Tongue Twisters - challenge yourself with tongue twisters to improve your dictation of words and pronunciation skills.
Practice aloud and Self-record - read a passage aloud and record yourself speaking, as this will help you identify areas for improvement.
If you want to know more about the IELTS exam, consult our expert at prepare IELTS exam.
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To sum up, the IELTS speaking test requires careful attention to pronunciation because mispronounced words can significantly impact your overall score. You must practice regularly and familiarise yourself with the correct pronunciation skills to improve this. This will also help you boost your chances of achieving a high band score.
We hope you liked reading the blog. If you want to know more about the IELTS Speaking test - the most commonly garble words, we recommend you sign up for our IELTS Courses designed by our experts. Please contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to assisting you in the best possible way for the IELTS exam. You can also get a one-on-one counselling session online via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388.
One of the easiest ways to increase vocabulary for the IELTS speaking test is to learn about various vocabulary subjects, employ various memory strategies, acquire new terms in context, practice new language, and concentrate on collocations.
The primary purpose of the IELTS speaking test is to assess a candidate's proficiency in spoken English. Candidates are judged based on their ability to articulate and present their thoughts fluently.
You can use idioms informally and in IELTS speaking as they help make the English language sound more natural and fluent. Intermediate English and native English speaker language learners will be differentiated by their natural use of idiomatic language.
Students preparing for the IELTS speaking test should avoid memorising any answers, utilising uncommon or significant words, cliched phrases, fillers like “yes”, “uh”, “ you know”, and speaking in a monotone.
You must learn and develop a robust vocabulary to work or study in an English-speaking nation. A strong vocabulary makes it easier to carry on a decent conversation or produce quality work.
Here are various ways to improve your pronunciation: listen to audio resources carefully, understand word stress, practice aloud and self-record, engage in conversations, access complex words, and do various other things.
The speaking portion of the IELTS lasts between 11 and 14 minutes. This exercise consists of an interview, a cue card, and a thorough discussion.
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