Vocabulary words for IELTS: Difficult & New Words For 2024

28 February, 2024


Vocabulary words for IELTS


To be proficient in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), language skills alone are insufficient. An extensive lexicon is required to deal with a wide range of contextual circumstances. If you want to achieve 8+ bands by 2024, you must prioritise expanding your vocabulary with terms that challenge and interest you.

In this blog, we will discuss the extensive vocabulary required for IELTS and how to effectively incorporate it into your routine in order to excel on the test.

Understanding Vocabulary Words for IELTS

The IELTS exam evaluates candidates across four key competencies: Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening. Language with a wide vocabulary that is simpler and more direct assists in the reading and comprehension of unclear or auditory materials. Hence, the ability to understand complex words is significant for understanding the main idea or details completely.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS: New Words 2024

By the end of each year, English may expand with new words that reflect development, technology, and the environment. Students can benefit from the information after learning about the new concepts from studying the book. Also, complementing the reply with advanced phrases will make the response modern and up-to-date, reflecting a detailed language command.



  • Meaning: The belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others.

  • Example: Her altruism was evident when she donated a significant portion of her salary to the homeless shelter.



  • Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question.

  • Example: The ethical conundrum faced by the company led to a heated debate among its board members.



  • Meaning: Lasting for a very short time.

  • Example: The beauty of an ephemeral blossom is cherished because it fades so quickly.



  • Meaning: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

  • Example: Her dress was the quintessential embodiment of 1960s fashion.



  • Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.

  • Example: Mobile phones are so ubiquitous now that it's hard to imagine life without them.



  • Meaning: A typical example or pattern of something; a model.

  • Example: The company is a paradigm of the modern tech industry, leading in innovation and culture.



  • Meaning: Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

  • Example: The ineffable beauty of the sunset left us all in awe.



  • Meaning: Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

  • Example: The legal document was designed to obfuscate the truth rather than clarify it.



  • Meaning: Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

  • Example: The precarious nature of the old bridge necessitated its immediate repair.



  • Meaning: Optimistic or positive, especially in a bad or difficult situation.

  • Example: Despite the challenges, she remained sanguine about the future of the project.

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Vocabulary Words for IELTS: Reading Section

The Reading section can be difficult, and it will require a deep reading of different subjects and styles of text. This means, for example, that learning the words is an important first step, but also grasping the sense of the words in a wider context and the subtleties of their meanings.

Strategies such as annotating the texts and organising the thematic word lists are especially helpful.



  • Meaning: The current geological age is viewed as the period during which human activity has had the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

  • Example: The Anthropocene concept underscores human activity's impact on the planet's ecosystems.



  • Meaning: Incorporating or emphasising elements of nature in architecture or design.

  • Example: The new city park is a biophilic design masterpiece, integrating natural landscapes with urban structures.



  • Meaning: A digital currency in which transactions are verified and records are maintained by a decentralised system using cryptography rather than by a centralised authority.

  • Example: Bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention for its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems.



  • Meaning: To reduce or eliminate carbon dioxide emissions.

  • Example: Many countries are implementing policies to decarbonise their economies by 2050.



  • Meaning: Anxiety is caused by a dread of environmental perils, especially climate change, and a feeling of helplessness over the potential consequences for the planet.

  • Example: Eco-anxiety is driving a new generation of activists to push for urgent action on climate change.



  • Meaning: A person who has a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish.

  • Example: Adopting a flexitarian diet can significantly reduce one's carbon footprint.



  • Meaning: An organisation disseminates misinformation to present an environmentally responsible public image.

  • Example: The company was accused of greenwashing after it was revealed that their "eco-friendly" products were not as environmentally benign as advertised.



  • Meaning: A Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of cosiness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment.

  • Example: The candlelit dinner provided a sense of hygge on the cold winter night.



  • Meaning: An excessive amount of information about a problem makes it difficult to identify a solution.

  • Example: The COVID-19 crisis was compounded by an infodemic that spread misinformation and fear.



  • Meaning: Joy of Missing Out; the pleasure derived from enjoying one’s current activities without worrying that other people are having more fun.

  • Example: This weekend, I experienced the JOMO by turning off my social media notifications and reading a book.



  • Meaning: The study of how certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of nonverbal communication.

  • Example: Kinesics plays a crucial role in understanding unspoken elements of a conversation.



  • Meaning: Relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

  • Example: The artist's work explores the liminal space between waking and dreaming.



  • Meaning: Extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste.

  • Example: Microplastics have been found in the deepest points of the ocean, affecting marine life.



  • Meaning: A state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal from the atmosphere.

  • Example: The new policy aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2035.



  • Meaning: A situation, especially in politics, in which poor judgment results in disorder or chaos with potentially disastrous consequences.

  • Example: The response to the crisis was omnishambles, with no clear leadership or plan.



  • Meaning: Blending physical and digital experiences in a way that enhances the user's interaction with a service or product.

  • Example: The phygital art exhibit allows visitors to interact with the artwork through augmented reality.



  • Meaning: A group of individuals assembling or isolating together during a quarantine period to prevent the spread of an infectious disease.

  • Example: Our guarantee includes close family members who we've agreed to only see during the lockdown.



  • Meaning: Learning new skills so you can do a different job or training people to do a different job.

  • Example: The company launched a reskilling program to help employees adapt to new technologies.



  • Meaning: A movement that envisions how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, human impact on the environment, and addressing climate change.

  • Example: The Solarpunk narrative imagines a city powered entirely by renewable energies.



  • Meaning: The distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies.

  • Example: Telehealth appointments have become crucial to healthcare during the pandemic.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS: Speaking Section

The IELTS Speaking section is not just a matter of using a wide variety of vocabulary but also about the quality of articulation. This can improve the expression of ideas clearly and accentuate the level of guidance. Here are 20 words that are particularly useful for impressing examiners during the Speaking part of the IELTS exam:



  • Meaning: Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

  • Example: He was able to articulate his thoughts on global warming very clearly during the interview.



  • Meaning: Forming a united whole.

  • Example: Her argument was cohesive and supported by well-chosen examples.



  • Meaning: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

  • Example: The candidate's eloquent speech on social equity won the hearts of many.



  • Meaning: Characterized by subtle shades of meaning or expression.

  • Example: His nuanced reply suggested that he understood the complex nature of the problem.



  • Meaning: Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.

  • Example: Her persuasive argument convinced us to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.



  • Meaning: Not necessarily true or reliable, because it is based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

  • Example: He shared an anecdotal story about his travels that was both entertaining and enlightening.



  • Meaning: Expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope.

  • Example: Her answers were concise, yet they captured all the essential information.



  • Meaning: Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

  • Example: The teacher's empathetic approach helped the student open up about his challenges.



  • Meaning: Treating all rivals or disputants equally, fair and just.

  • Example: The judge was known for his impartial judgment, treating all cases with fairness.



  • Meaning: Featuring new methods; advanced and original.

  • Example: Her innovative approach to solving environmental issues was highly praised.



  • Meaning: Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.

  • Example: To communicate effectively with laypeople, doctors must avoid using medical jargon.



  • Meaning: Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

  • Example: His objective analysis of the situation provided a new perspective.



  • Meaning: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

  • Example: Her pragmatic approach to negotiations resulted in a beneficial agreement for all parties.



  • Meaning: Relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric.

  • Example: The politician's speech was filled with rhetorical flourishes that captivated the audience.



  • Meaning: Briefly and clearly expressed.

  • Example: His succinct summary allowed everyone to quickly grasp the main points of the discussion.



  • Meaning: Using or expressing in more words than are needed.

  • Example: The verbose speaker loses the audience's attention with his lengthy and unnecessary details.



  • Meaning: Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.

  • Example: Her vivid description of the place made everyone feel as if they were there.



  • Meaning: Showing or characterised by quick and inventive verbal humour.

  • Example: His witty remarks at the conference lightened the atmosphere.



  • Meaning: Having or showing zeal; passionate.

  • Example: The volunteers were zealous in their efforts to clean up the beach.



  • Meaning: Expressed clearly; easy to understand.

  • Example: The expert provided a lucid explanation of the complex scientific concept.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS: Listening Section

For the IELTS Listening section, the ability to understand different types of vocabulary can greatly improve your listening comprehension and can fully help you get the content, which could include everyday and academic conversations and monologues.



  • Meaning: Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.

  • Example: The directions he gave were ambiguous, and we ended up getting lost.



  • Meaning: A group of people banded together or treated as a group.

  • Example: The study tracked a cohort of patients over two years.



  • Meaning: A division or contrast between two things that are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

  • Example: The documentary explored the dichotomy between science and religion.



  • Meaning: Evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's actions or questions.

  • Example: The teacher's question was designed to elicit a thoughtful response from the students.



  • Meaning: Relating to government revenue, especially taxes.

  • Example: The government's fiscal policy plays a crucial role in economic stability.



  • Meaning: Of the same kind; alike.

  • Example: The country's population is relatively homogeneous in terms of language and culture.



  • Meaning: A conclusion reached based on evidence and reasoning.

  • Example: From the evidence, the detective made an inference about the suspect's motive.



  • Meaning: Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.

  • Example: The exhibition juxtaposes modern art with classical pieces.



  • Meaning: Relating to or resulting from motion.

  • Example: The sculpture created a sense of kinetic energy through its curved forms.



  • Meaning: Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.

  • Example: After the long flight, she felt lethargic and went straight to bed.



  • Meaning: Make less severe, serious, or painful.

  • Example: The government introduced measures to mitigate the impact of the economic downturn.



  • Meaning: A comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.

  • Example: He finally found his niche in the music industry as a talented producer.



  • Meaning: Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.

  • Example: The ostensible reason for his visit was business, but he mainly wanted to see his friends.



  • Meaning: A typical example or pattern of something; a model.

  • Example: The economic paradigm shifts every few decades as new theories are developed.



  • Meaning: Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.

  • Example: She was reticent about her plans for the future, preferring to keep them to herself.



  • Meaning: Describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.

  • Example: The illness was once stigmatised but is now understood to be a treatable condition.



  • Meaning: Perceptible by touch.

  • Example: The benefits of the new policy are tangible, with improvements seen in several areas.



  • Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.

  • Example: Mobile phones are ubiquitous these days, seen in the hands of people of all ages.



  • Meaning: (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures; or (of a situation) liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

  • Example: The political situation was volatile, with protests happening daily.

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Vocabulary Words for IELTS: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are the basic part of the English language, and they are also quite important for the exam, which is like IELTS, where understanding idiomatic expressions can help you to get better marks in this kind of examination.


Break down

  • Meaning: To stop functioning (machinery) or to lose emotional control.

  • Example: The car broke down on the way to the airport.


Carry out

  • Meaning: To execute a plan or order.

  • Example: The scientists carried out experiments to test the hypothesis.


Come across

  • Meaning: To find unexpectedly.

  • Example: I came across some old photos while cleaning the attic.


Fall behind

  • Meaning: To fail to keep up with.

  • Example: He fell behind in his studies due to illness.


Get along

  • Meaning: To have a good relationship.

  • Example: She gets along well with her colleagues.


Hold up

  • Meaning: To delay or block the movement or progress of something.

  • Example: Traffic was held up due to the construction work.


Look into

  • Meaning: To investigate.

  • Example: The police are looking into the circumstances of the accident.



  • Meaning: To invent a story or lie, or to resolve a quarrel.

  • Example: He made up an excuse for being late.


Pick up

  • Meaning: To learn something casually or to collect someone or something.

  • Example: She picked up Spanish while living in Mexico.


Put off

  • Meaning: To postpone or delay.

  • Example: The meeting was put off until next week.


Run into

  • Meaning: To meet by chance.

  • Example: I ran into an old friend at the grocery store.


Set out

  • Meaning: To start a journey or to arrange or display something.

  • Example: They set out at dawn to climb the mountain.


Take over

  • Meaning: To assume control or responsibility.

  • Example: She took over the project after he left the company.


Turn down

  • Meaning: To refuse or reject.

  • Example: He turned down the job offer because he wanted to travel.


Work out

  • Meaning: To exercise or to find a solution to a problem.

  • Example: I work out at the gym three times a week.


Bring up

  • Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic.

  • Example: She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.


Give in

  • Meaning: To yield or surrender to pressure.

  • Example: After hours of negotiation, they finally gave in to our demands.



  • Meaning: To start or initiate.

  • Example: The festival kicks off with a parade on Friday night.


Look forward to

  • Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure.

  • Example: I'm looking forward to the holidays.


Run out of

  • Meaning: To have no more of something.

  • Example: We ran out of milk, so I needed to go to the store.

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Vocabulary Words for IELTS: 10 Tips for Improved Learning and Retention

Developing your vocabulary to pass the IELTS or learn any language is not limited to knowing new words; it also requires you to remember them and make use of them in the right contexts. 


Active Everyday Use

Try to get used to the new vocabulary by integrating it into your daily chats and written communications. Retaining a new vocabulary word in mind proves to be easier through the process of using that word.


Create Personalised Flashcards

Do flashcards that consist of the word on one side and its meaning, as well as a sentence example on the other side. Now, through apps such as Anki or Quizlet, one can effectively digitise this process, and through spaced repetition, these apps can increase retention rates.


Read Widely and Often

Reading a mix of books—novels, newspapers, academic journals, and online writings—enables you to be exposed to words in context. Through this, you will learn the shades of meanings of words and their usage.


Use a Vocabulary Journal

Keep a notebook or electronic document where you regularly note down new words and their positions as coordinated with details of synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences. Revise and keep it up-to-date.


Employ Mnemonics

Mnemonic devices will be a great way to remember the essence of individual words. Connection images, stories, or incorporating linking techniques can lead to the creation of more funny and clear learning.


Develop Customized Instructional Materials For Achieving Effective Learning

Set an appointment with yourself to study the words you have learned in the previous weeks. We will also introduce regular review of material after a certain time interval for stable memory (reviews on the next day, the following week, and the next month).


Practice with Language Apps

Mobile apps in the language learning industry offer fun and interactive modes to study new vocabulary. Numerous of these tutorials feature memory-improving activities and incorporate the use of new vocabulary.


Watch Movies and TV series in English

Visual and audio exposure to the language can be a tool to facilitate learning and retention. Subtitles may overcome some communication gaps, and they work particularly with idiomatic expressions and colloquial language.


Participate in the Language Exchange or the Discussion Groups

Talking to local people or fellow language learners can give you first-hand encounters with new words and figures of speech which you can acquire by practicing them during the talking.


Set Realistic Goals

Break down your vocabulary learning feasibly, e.g. memorising five words per day. Achievable objectives can maintain the spirit while giving confidence that one is making progress.


In summary, Enriching your vocabulary should be seen as a travel mate while preparing for IELTS. The process of ceaselessly seeking out and memorising new and challenging vocabulary words epitomises not only language mastery but also your academic achievement. Please note, that a good vocabulary is not only about knowing lots of words, but it's also about getting the ability to express yourself with more specificity, knowledge, and maybe even confidence.

We hope you liked reading the blog. If you are looking for more details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you can contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam. You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at info@prepareieltsexam.com or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.


The most efficient long-term retention of new words should be in the form of constant and varying patterns of usage. Apply the spaced repetition method by using the flashcards and try to use the words in your conversations and writings; and, as well, reread the journal of your vocabulary. The language is linked to the styles by which I use sound (reading, listening, and engaging). This way helps to reinforce memory. The essence of the algorithm is issuing the exercises regularly and passing over materials at the spaced times (e.g., immediately, in a week, and in a month).

Contextual vocabulary memorisation is markedly more productive regarding the ability to recall new words as compared to isolated memorisation. Context shows you how a word could be applied, its connotation, and the correlation of the word with others. Furthermore, context could imply the meaning of the word, as well as its use in speaking or writing. Through wide reading, watching movies or TV programs in English, and finally having the chance to hold conversations, a learner has the chance to learn many new words, thus providing an ideal context. The use of swapping and repetition in this strategy not only leads to better memorisation of words but also offers an opportunity to have an extensive knowledge of the use and meaning.

If you are a beginner, your daily new vocabulary can range between low to moderate. As you start to acquire more complex terms, your daily word bank can gradually increase. But the number of new words you will need to study will depend on your level, your learning goals and the time you have available for it. For many learners, the goals of 5-10 words per day (or pronouncing those words in a correct accent) are achievable and long-lasting. Keep in mind as you study that quality and retention are much more important than how much you study as far as this course is concerned. What is of paramount importance here is the ability to not only get into the essence of new words but also to define them and to make their use in different contexts rather than to memorise many of them. Smelting true and achievable goals can help keep you up and help make sure you steady your progress.


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