How to Increase Reading Speed and Boost Your IELTS Reading Score

10 June, 2024


How to increase reading speed and boost your IELTS Reading score


Being an IELTS aspirant, you must be aware of the importance of each and every section of the exam along with the reading section. But knowing the importance won’t help you score well, right!

This is the reason why we have this blog for you, which has reading tips and tricks for IELTS that will help you improve your IELTS reading score. So, let’s begin with the blog and take a step closer to getting a better IELTS score!

What is the IELTS Reading Section?

The IELTS Reading Score is one of the sections in the IELTS exam, and scoring is done according to the IELTS academic reading score and the IELTS general reading score. The format of the questions remains the same for the reading as well as academic sections.

The Reading section consists of 3 types of text, 40 different questions and 11 types of tasks to be completed that require reading fast and consistently. It is essential to read fast to improve your IELTS reading band score.

Tips to Increase Reading Speed and IELTS Reading Score

In this section, we have discussed 6 tips and tricks that will tell you how to improve reading skills and simultaneously your IELTS reading score as well. Here is a list of the IELTS reading tips:


Start Reading in Groups of Words or Chunk

  • Even though we were all taught to read word by word in school, it is quite sluggish and inefficient, especially when you are pressed for time before an exam.

  • Your goal should be word chunking, which is the process of ingesting several words at once and processing them for details and information. To teach yourself, try reading three to five words at a time, and once you finish, see whether you understand the sentence or phrase.

  • Continue honing your peripheral vision skills by starting with three words and working your way up to five. Reading several chapters in this manner can help you teach yourself to read quickly and comprehend better over time.

NOTE: For more tips and tricks, consult our IELTS experts at Prepare IELTS Exam.


Avoid Re-reading Words

  • Rereading a sentence or section is standard practice when we are unclear or perplexed about what we have read.

  • But when you read, your eyes will jump back and forth constantly, costing you valuable time that may quickly mount up.

  • You may teach yourself to swiftly absorb and remember information while pressing on by simply running your finger across a text as you read it without turning back.


Read Fast During First Read, then Scan When Answering

  • Skimming your text's major ideas is an excellent technique to approach reading the sections when you are more comfortable with word chunking.

  • It's essential to scan the paragraph quickly and make note of the key ideas, paying particular attention to the questions and the title. In order to get a basic idea, you should also be noting the nouns in the text and the arrangement of the paragraph.


Improve Vocabulary for Speedy Comprehension

  • Not knowing the meaning of a word is one of the main causes of delayed reading.

  • Fortunately, this is one of the simplest puzzles to solve, and you can start by expanding your vocabulary.

  • Along with actively reading more, you may start tuning in to news and programs like those from CNN and the BBC.

  • Take the initiative to accomplish this by underlining or writing down any unfamiliar terms, and don't hesitate to use a dictionary or thesaurus for assistance.

NOTE: For better guidance on how you can improve your vocabulary, contact us at Prepare IELTS Exam.


Get Familiar With the Texts given in the Test

  • Reading books, newspapers, magazines, and journals may help you increase your vocabulary, which is a wonderful method for preparing for the reading exam.

  • You might begin by navigating several topic categories across different media to gauge whether texts are more or less difficult to read.

  • Once you know what kind of literature you find difficult, you may concentrate more on it and familiarise yourself with the portions' style, syntax, and concept flow.


Engage Yourself in Practice Tests while Timing Oneself

  • Although following the first five stages can help you increase your reading speed, nothing can replicate the real-world exam settings quite like taking the actual examinations.

  • Using a selection of free IELTS reading practice exams, you can increase your reading speed while simultaneously managing the pressure of responding to questions.

  • This can assist in identifying further areas in which you could be deficient, such as scanning abilities or reading comprehension as your primary shortcoming.

  • Knowing this enables you to modify your reading approach to focus on the areas you want to improve to advance significantly.

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To conclude, attaining a good IELTS reading score is essential and contributes to achieving a higher band score on your IELTS exam. Every section plays a vital role in securing an exceptionally good IELTS band score and increasing your chances towards getting into your dream college. So make sure to follow the tips and tricks on how to improve IELTS reading and make your dreams come true.

We hope you liked reading the blog. If you want to know more about improving your IELTS reading band score for IELTS overall score, we recommend you sign up for our IELTS Courses designed by our experts. Please contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to assisting you in the best possible way for the IELTS exam. You can also get a one-on-one counselling session online via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388.


The IELTS reading section has a total of 40 different questions and 11 types of tasks.

The best way to improve your vocabulary for the IELTS exam is to read more and engage yourself with news channels like CNN and BBC.

The best way to familiarise yourself with the kinds of texts given in the test is to read magazines, newspapers, books, and journals, which will help you increase your total vocabulary.

The fastest method of reading the texts in the reading section is to go through the text quickly in the first go and then scan while answering the questions. That will save you a lot of time.

The best way to do that is by timing yourself while attempting the mock papers; this will allow you to know your speed and if you can finish the section in time as well.


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